Q. What do I get for my membership?A. You save $5.00 on entry fees to our events, e-mail news or snail mail if you do not have an e-mail address and reminders of events. You can also run classified ads (Horse related only) for 2 months free of charge.
Q. Are beginners welcome?
A. Definitely, that what this group is about, helping new people acquire skills and confidence through the games we play.
Q. Are there any rules?
A. Yes we have some General club rules and some very specific SAFTEY RULES. Also some Guidelines for hosting an event. All of the above appear on our Club Rules Page.
Q. How experienced are the members?
A. That varies, we have some very experienced drivers and trainers who show competitively, right down to the people who are just beginning.
Q. Is this club competition oriented?
A. NO, we are about having fun and learning. We play a lot of games, i.e.; cones, obstacles, PRACTICE/TRAINING ADT's and HDT's. Yes we have people who compete but the club is about FUN, SAFTEY & LEARNING and helping each other.
Q. What kind of activities do you do?
A. We try to hold an event once a month. Usually it will be some kind of cones, games or cross country drive. We usually hold a general meeting in January at a restaurant and when it is really hot a picnic instead of a drive.
Q. How often do you hold meetings?
A. Usually the main one is in January at a restaurant and others as we need them at our events.
Q. How do you select officers & directors?
A. Our officers hold a 2 year term, and there is no limit on how long they can remain in office, if willing and no one else is nominated that year. We accept nominations in November, then prepare a slate of officers (we also accept nominations from the floor at the Dec meeting) and hold our elections at our Christmas dinner.